Welcome to another snowy, stormy Friday here in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada.

During last Friday’s storm I went for a walk, but I didn’t today because my back issue – sciatica – is acting up and I’m trying to listen to what my body is saying to me – which, if I understand body-talk at all – is, “Don’t be silly and foolish – stay inside where it’s warm and not slippery.” 

I can’t even sit for long at a time right now because that causes the pain to increase, but I can sit long enough to write a short post – well, maybe a VERY short post. Then I will have to get up and walk around, or stretch out on the sofa and apply heat to my hip and thigh for a bit.

So for the few minutes I can sit right now on this Foto Friday I thought it would be a good chance to post a few pictures of my hometown and the town where I’ve resided again since February of 2001 after an absence of many years

According to Wikipedia: “Sackville is a town in southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. It is home to Mount Allison University, a primarily undergraduate liberal arts university. Historically home to two foundries manufacturing stoves and furnaces, the economy is now driven by the university and tourism.”

I snapped some of these pictures late last fall or earlier this year, others are ones I took a few years ago and a few are ones I found online. I hope they give you a glimpse into the small town and surrounding area I currently call ‘home’.

Ariel View of Sackville from Sackville.com website
View of Bridge St.
Royal Bank – my late husband was the bank manager here.


'Four Corners' outside of Sackville
‘Four Corners’ – area just outside of town where I grew up and also the name of the band I’m in.
I have relatives buried here.









Sackville Post Office
Sackville Memorial Hospital
Sackville Memorial Hospital (from Sackville.com website).






Mt. Allison University Convocation Hall
Mt. Allison University Library
Cackling Goose, where I often shop for things organic.
Bridge at Swan Pond
Walking bridge at downtown pond.









I’m sure I could find other pictures of this small university town, but I have to stand up now for awhile and maybe try more stretching exercises, or perhaps draw a warm Epsom Salts bath in which to soak my aching body for half an hour or so, so I’m afraid that more pictures will have to wait for another time.

But hopefully I’ve given you a taste of the area of Canada that I call home, and maybe one day you’ll have an opportunity to visit us. If you do, please be sure to let me know in case we can meet for a drink at one of our local coffee shops or pubs. 

For now, take care and thanks so much for dropping by. I do love having visitors!


6 thoughts on “Foto Friday – My Town of Sackville, NB

    1. Thanks, Cathleen. Yes, small town life is actually quite wonderful and I know that I’m fortunate to be able to experience it every day. Maybe one day you’ll have an opportunity to visit this area – would love to meet for a cup of coffee or tea if you do.

  1. Sorry to hear you are still under the weather. Years ago I experienced that same excruciating pain. Eventually I had to break down and go for physiotherapy. So hope you’re feeling better soon.

    1. Thanks for your comment.
      I’ve done Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Therapy. Plus I do exercises for it and stretches and make sure I keep as active as possible.
      Am considering going to an Osteopath if I don’t improve soon, as I know they can sometimes help with this chronic condition, too.

  2. I hope your sciatica eases up soon ~ that pain is awful! Thank you for the introduction to Sackville, NB. I will definitely put it on my bucket list with a cup of coffee and doughnut at Tim Horton’s with you!

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